3 Ways the Workforce is Adopting AI with Dr. Angelo Farooq, Chair of California’s Workforce Development Board

In this episode we speak with Dr. Farooq about how state government and workforce departments are navigating the challenges of emerging demand for AI and tech skills. Dr. Farooq serves as the Chairman of the California Workforce Development Board and has been an appointee of the Governor on the board since 2013. The California Workforce Development Board (CWDB) invests critical apprenticeship and job training investments to support quality economic development in our communities. 

Think About AI in Terms of Automating Tasks 

What will jobs look like with AI? 

Dr. Farooq: I think one big picture thing I just want to put out there is, it’s not purely just a matter of replacing entire occupations and jobs themselves, a major component of this path towards automation is going to be related to automating specific tasks. So, within jobs within occupations, if certain tasks will be able to be alleviated, that will change the way that those current jobs are able to whether it’s from a capacity standpoint, productivity perspective, or a shift in the way that they work, those things are going to happen 

Importance of Apprenticeship Programs 

How do apprenticeship programs work? 

Dr. Farooq: The state has a huge emphasis on apprenticeships, because the Earn and Learn model has been proven as a very effective way of addressing again these generational cycles of poverty.  

We know you know; I grew up in poverty myself. But we know in general, when people have to choose between work experience that puts food on the table, or internships or you know work-based experiences that might have more aspirational qualities but means sacrificing that income people from low-income families are going to always choose, you know, putting food on the table. So, 

The apprenticeship model is really effective. And again, as I mentioned earlier, we need to think across many different sectors and a lot of times people think of apprenticeships, I think purely in the construction realm. But we’re really advancing a lot of apprenticeships throughout many different sectors. 

The Children are The Future 

How can we prepare for AI in the future? 

Dr. Farooq: I think another area with a tech, it’s more of a long game, but I think it’s important is with our K 12 system is getting more young people more kiddos, proficient with coding with STEM jobs in high demand, there’s a lot of equity issues there. This is an area where to build that pipeline, we need to engage people as young as possible. And I know in Riverside School District coding is happening, you know, with all of our students, even in elementary school. So I think there’s a number of ways there and then again, in a more conventional sense, tech employers are always welcome to connect with our job centers, and just like regular hiring needs, in a more general sense, but I think some of those strategic moves, whether it’s with cybersecurity training, coding, training, and other things, can create a better overall system workforce system for that industry to drive in. Because I know that there’s a lot of shortfalls in terms of being able to get the skilled and trained people that they need for their jobs. 

Kryterion’s Approach to AI-integrated Test Development and Delivery 

At Kryterion, we clearly see the opportunities and disruption that AI is bringing to our industry. Our top priority is to provide clients with the best mix of security, innovation, service, and value in our tools for test development and delivery. AI is quickly becoming an integral technology in our products and direction. The path we are on with AI encompasses the immediate benefits it provides while maintaining a sharp awareness of its evolution allowing us to ensure our products continue to meet or exceed the needs of our clients.  

Please contact us to set up a meeting so we can further discuss how important AI is to our future and our clients. 

Want to keep up with insights on AI in the testing industry? Listen to the Kryterion podcast 

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