The Kryterion Bulk Voucher Program is a great way to expand your training program and help your staff and customers meet mandatory testing requirements. It also eases and accelerates payment and fulfillment!
1. CLICK to access the Infoblox BVP Order Form
2. You will receive a submission confirmation via email.
3. PRE-PAY your bulk-voucher order using the instructions provided with your invoice.
The bulk voucher process is as follows:
Please note:
Because the Bulk Voucher Program is a pre-paid service, purchase orders are not considered payment, but can be referenced on your invoice if required. Acceptable forms of payment are check, ACH, wire transfer or credit card. There is a 4% processing fee applied if using a credit card for payment. Once payment is received, the vouchers will be created.
Exam pricing and discounts (if applicable) are set by the Test Sponsor. Please contact the Test Sponsor directly for questions regarding pricing.
Yes, you may request the following voucher reports from [email protected].
Please Note: Per our Privacy Policy, we will not release pass/fail results of the exam.
You will receive a Credit Card Payment form with your invoice. Please follow the instructions in that email to access the form. You will need to provide your invoice number.
There is no online portal for credit-card payments at this time.
Please email your request to [email protected].
Please email any forms/documents that require processing to [email protected].
There is a strict minimum-order requirement for all Bulk Voucher Program orders. If you are unable to meet the minimum order, your candidates must register individually via the Test Sponsor’s Webassessor portal using a credit card for payment.
All Bulk Voucher orders must be pre-paid after an invoice is generated. Due to the high number of orders that Kryterion processes, we’re unable to guarantee same-day delivery.