5 Ways AI Will Shape the Future Workforce with Mohan Reddy, CTO & Co-Founder of Skyhive

The world is transitioning from job-based to skill-based and SkyHive is the pioneer of Quantum Labor Analysis® for the rapid reskilling of workers and communities across the globe.  In this episode of Certified Skills in AI + Tech, we interview Mohan Reddy from SkyHive. Mohan is the CTO of SkyHive and oversees all aspects of developing and delivering SkyHive’s technology capabilities and innovation. Mohan is a hands-on technologist in Machine Learning / Deep Learning systems, specialized in building scalable systems, robotics, and computational neuroscience.

Organizing the Entirety of the World’s Labor Market Data

What are recent AI projects that you’ve been working on?

Mohan: “At Skyhive, you know, it’s a generative AI company, trying to take the world from a job based system to a skill centric world, where we’ve organized the entirety of the world’s labor market data, and all the skills of the jobs, you know, the various aspects of the labour market data in how you organize that, and so quite a, quite a bit of work in last few years must say, been very busy.

Before generative AI became what it is we’ve been using that, you know, as a means to find what are the skills and skill relationships, or generating job descriptions or generating somebody’s resumes, way back when she came to us first open source but now, you know, the open to pretties, will hit a common substrate and hit a limit. The index would be GPT for companies, GPT is for sectors or GPT is for you, is the next phase. And that’s what I’m working on at the moment at Skyhive as to how we can take, like, you know, our agenda to end models and personalize it for the companies we work with.”

Skills Will Matter More Than Jobs

What are your thoughts on the transition to reskill and train people for a new workforce?

Mohan: “Two years ago, it was hard to tell people: shut away your decades of job-centric thinking and become skill centric because now those four-year degrees are useless. And you need to realize the skill and you have to do the jobs that you’re really needed for and that was a hard mindset transition. COVID really helped the people struggling rethink how the world can be this and, and sudden, like, you know, forced transition for people and now, it’s really much easier. It’s like, you know, hey, like, you know, what should I do to the skill, right? What is it that I really need?”

Millions of Emerging Career Paths

Can a dishwasher become a data scientist?

Mohan: “There are 100 and 40 million career paths in the world. And each one of us can fit into that. Everyone has a unique skill DNA. We have this theory at SkyHigh, right? Like that, we are looking at the inversion, the market inversion, right, we’re the supply and people are the demand, that is jobs are going to get inverted. So, people will become the demand, and then the jobs will become the supply and you’re going to see that quite a bit.”

One of the First and Foremost Challenges is the Ethical Use of AI

What are the challenges with AI?

Mohan: “We have got to make sure that there’s equal representation for all languages, like, you know, there’s, there’s no bias involved, and all of that, so ethically, is a very, very big thing. When it comes to, like, you know, talking to the execs, like, you know, that’s the first and foremost important thing that that is. The second part is, you know, not many people talk about this, but this is extremely important, because this is the mind shift, that, you know, thanks to Chat GPT. Now, people are aware of what AI is, and they also know that AI is not 100% flawed, but it does a lot better than other systems. So, this whole thinking of how-to bring completeness, or like, you know, deterministic engineering to probabilistic engineering is one of the biggest challenges that is the fallacy of accuracy.”

It’s Time to Embrace Artificial Intelligence

What is one takeaway message for everyone?

Mohan: “There’s a lot of good and great things that will happen with AI, embrace it, just like you know, just like I said, it is here to stay. You know, as with anything, like, you know, there are good things and bad things about it. Like, you know, so we just must build guardrails against, you know, the bad things about it. But, you know, this is the golden period of AI, this is where I can really help and truly make us human beings, what we are good at, right. And like, you know, just one example is, people always thought that he is really good at mundane and repetitive. Things are not creative, but generally the way I wanted and so it challenges us as well, like, you know, for us to be even superhuman, or like, you know, how can we be more creative? So, my singular message is, it’s not bad. Embrace it, and be responsible, in whatever you.”

Kryterion’s Approach to AI-integrated Test Development and Delivery

At Kryterion, we clearly see the opportunities and disruption that AI is bringing to our industry. Our top priority is to provide clients with the best mix of security, innovation, service, and value in our tools for test development and delivery. AI is quickly becoming an integral technology in our products and direction. The path we are on with AI encompasses the immediate benefits it provides while maintaining a sharp awareness of its evolution allowing us to ensure our products continue to meet or exceed the needs of our clients. Please contact us to set up a meeting so we can further discuss how important AI is to our future and our clients.

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