Nine Essential Questions for Your Test Delivery Vendor

Many certification managers value the freedom that comes from having greater control of their testing programs. It’s empowering when you can edit test items and item banks yourself, update test forms and catalogs and run custom reports whenever you want. But not all test-delivery vendors offer self-service features, and not all certification managers want them. This is just one reason why carefully selecting your test deliver vendor is important. But, how do you evaluate one vendor compared to another? Let this be your guide. Here are nine essential questions for your test delivery vendor.

If you value the independence that comes from greater control of your testing program, ask prospective test-delivery vendors about the following:

  1. Do I have the ability to edit, change, remove or replace items, item banks, test forms and catalogues?
  2. Can I export test data and create and run custom reports any time I want?
  3. Is there an additional charge/fee each time I publish a new version of my test form?
  4. Do you require minimum monthly testing thresholds and charge me for any month that I don’t meet them?
  5. If I wanted to offer online testing in addition to onsite testing, would I be required to sign a new contract to test online?
  6. Do you offer multi-modal testing for onsite, online, client-proctored and un-proctored tests?
  7. Do you use live proctors for online testing? In lieu of proctors, do you offer recorded sessions?
  8. If you offer live proctors, do you provide to the test sponsor a video session recording and a session transcript of communications between proctor and test candidate during the exam?
  9. I want greater control of my testing program, but I still want access to client support if I need it. Will I have access to an experienced program manager?

Any Red Flags?

Those are some serious questions above, but necessary to ask as soon as possible because extra fees for publishing new test forms or requiring an additional contract for online test delivery could be a dealbreaker. Best to know that up front.

We’ve discovered that a live demo of our Webassessor platform surfaces all kinds of questions, even more than the nine shown above.

Feel free to request your personal demo here. We’ll follow up with an email to arrange a time convenient for you. It’s free, and there’s never an obligation on your part.

Should you have any other questions about Kryterion or the testing industry, contact our friendly Sales Team at [email protected].

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