Kryterion & CHC Co-present at I.C.E. Exchange 2022

The annual Institute for Credentialing Excellence (I.C.E.) Exchange conference is one of 2022’s most exciting forums for credentialing professionals. The four-day annual conference opens on October 17th in Savannah, Georgia, at the Savannah Convention Center.

Figure 1. An I.C.E. ’21 event. Don’t miss out on I.C.E. ’22!

Kryterion, one of just six Platinum-level conference sponsors, is co-presenting a one-hour educational seminar with the Council for Homeopathic Certification (CHC) on October 18th. The seminar is titled, Smaller Program Accreditation – the Path to Success.

Figure 2. Get the I.C.E. Exchange 2022 App!

Co-presenters Sheetal Tiwari, CHC President and Trish Young, Director of Psychometric Services, Kryterion, will deliver a traditional case study. Tiwari will discuss CHC’s National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA) accreditation journey and the special challenges it faced as a smaller program. Other small programs weighing the costs and benefits of voluntary accreditation will find Tiwari’s hard-earned insights especially helpful.

Young, a psychometrician with experience supporting multiple small programs’ accreditation efforts, will share her professional perspective. She will provide additional examples of the challenges smaller programs face and possible options to overcome those challenges.

According to Young, the educational seminar Smaller Program Accreditation – the Path to Success will be valuable to attendees who want to:

  • Understand the value of voluntary accreditation for smaller programs
  • Understand the issues associated with an accreditation initiative
  • Identify the unique accreditation challenges smaller programs face and possible solutions
  • Learn how an industry partner can help small programs streamline the accreditation process

The seminar also aims to clarify the true value of NCCA accreditation for smaller programs.

NCCA is the accrediting body of the Institute for Credentialing Excellence. It was founded in 1977 to help ensure the health, welfare, and safety of the public through the accreditation of a variety of certification programs that assess professional competence.

The CHC first earned NCCA accreditation for its Certified Classical Homeopath (CCH) credential in 2017. In 2020, CHC chose Kryterion as its industry partner in support of its accreditation maintenance efforts. Earlier this year, CHC submitted its accreditation maintenance documentation to NCCA. Kryterion is pleased to report that the NCCA has renewed the accreditation for CHC’s Certified Classical Homeopath program.

Figure 3. Find Kryterion at Booth 413.. .with a new logo!

NCCA accreditation acquisition is a rigorous process for any certification program, let alone a small program. In fact, only 305 credentialing programs held current NCCA accreditations as of August 2021 (2021 I.C.E. Annual Report).

Credential Engine identified 8,165 non-academic, occupational certifications in 2020 (as reported in its 2021 report Counting U.S. Postsecondary and Secondary Credentials). Assuming this represents the population of potential programs for NCCA accreditation, this suggests that less than four percent of US credentialing programs currently hold the accreditation.

Tiwari’s presentation has been pre-recorded as she will be unable to attend in person. However, Tara Framer, Assistant Secretary to the CHC Board of Directors and the CHC Item Writing Chair, will be present to answer participants’ questions along with Kryterion’s Trish Young.

Kryterion encourages in-person attendees to visit us at Booth 413 and to connect via the conference app. Look for our new logo (Figure 3)! And that’s just one of several exciting developments Kryterion wants to share.

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