Rationalizing Dishonesty: Top 5 Reasons Why People Cheat

As long as there has been testing, there has been cheating. As a famous rock group once sang, “You know it’s sad but true.” In a 2023 study conducted by Salary Survey Extra, 1 in 4 respondents admitted to cheating on a certification exam at least once. This is an alarming statistic to say the least. 

There is no singular reason why people feel the need to act dishonestly. Some people may cheat because they feel like they need to, while others may do it simply because they can. To fully understand the impetus of cheating would be to understand the human psyche, something that is practically impossible. 

However, it is possible to take a look at the potential reasons why someone would cheat on an exam in order to learn what their motivations are. Exam security cannot be ignored, so the more that is known about the reasons behind cheating, the better prepared organizations can be. Here are the five most common reasons why people cheat. 

1. Fear of Failure

Exams come with a lot of pressure. There are usually many stakeholders who have a vested interest in the results. Bosses might be looking at exam results as a way to decide who will get promoted, and even who could potentially get let go. Parents and siblings may apply pressure, sometimes unknowingly and other times with a clear purpose. Co-workers might be more knowledgeable on a particular subject, making it feel embarrassing to be perceived as holding the team back. The pressures come from everywhere, and everyone, leading to the fear of letting people down.

There is also the pressure that comes from within. That can often be the strongest source of anxiety. As a test-taker, you want to succeed. After all, nobody likes failing. Sometimes, the material is just too difficult. Sometimes, the pressure is too great. And, sometimes, you are just not on your A game during an exam. All of these things can contribute to the feeling that cheating is the only way to avoid failure. 

2. Competition

Exams are a time-tested way to compare groups of people. In business, tests are given to achieve certain certifications, furthering the careers of those that do well. Oftentimes, there is also a financial reward that goes to the top performers. That’s why it is impossible to separate testing with competition. 

Human beings are competitive by nature. Some people will do whatever it takes to get ahead, even if that means breaking the rules. So, how can you make sure that you are succeeding? Studying hard and being prepared just doesn’t cut it for those who feel like they would do anything to rise to the top. That’s when cheating, unfortunately, becomes the answer.  

3. The Ends Justify the Means

Tunnel vision can be powerful. When there are external factors in play, such as pressure, job security, and more, it is definitely possible for a test-taker to only focus on the results rather than the steps they took to get there. 

Does a little cheating hurt if it means you get a better job or a promotion? What if you have a family to provide for, or you are a single parent and everyone is relying on you? But, what happens if you get caught and lose the job? These are the questions one must ask themselves as they decide whether cheating is the right way to succeed. Sometimes people don’t look at the big picture and, instead, only think about their own personal needs. For these people, doing whatever it takes is all that matters for them to be able to sleep at night. 

4. Revenge

Everyone has had a boss that they didn’t like. Maybe they feel like they were passed over for a promotion that they deserved. Or, maybe they feel like their coworkers are always being praised while they are being unfairly criticized. The workplace can sometimes be cutthroat where sometimes the nicest people finish last.  

Revenge is a powerful emotion that can make people do things they would normally regret. Some may rationalize this type of behavior because of the way they feel they have been treated, whether it is actual or just in their minds. Therefore, cheating can be the great equalizer in the minds of test-takers, providing them with all the motivation they need to act dishonestly.  

5. Because They Can

Some test-takers don’t cheat because they feel pressure, feel competitive, want revenge, or for any other reason except that they think they can get away with it. Why study hard for a test and worry about the results when you can just cheat and guarantee success? After all, it’s much more fun to take part in activities that are relaxing and social rather than spend your days looking at notes. 

Taking an unproctored exam leaves the door wide open for dishonesty. Trust only goes so far. If someone feels that they can cheat and get away with it, then there is a good chance they will go for it. Sometimes all the motivation they need is to know that they can. That’s why it’s important to have a good secure solution in place. 

Learn More

Let’s talk about the ways that Kryterion’s in-person and online exam proctoring can protect your organization against cheating, no matter what the reason. We have seen it all, including popular testing shortcuts like proxy testing, and we have the solutions in place to provide the security and peace-of-mind your organization needs. 

About Kryterion Inc.

Kryterion Inc. is a global leader in innovative testing and credentialing solutions, helping organizations across various sectors develop and manage their assessments with our advanced test development platform and multi-modal delivery solutions. Established in 2001, Kryterion offers secure, integrated services and extensive support, empowering candidates to demonstrate skills and achieve success in world-class careers.

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