Remote Control: Keeping the Power of Certification Exams in Your Hands

Control is power. Think about the last time you felt out-of-control and how helpless that made you feel. Being in control means that you have total say over choices and outcomes. It is especially important to have control of your certification program. Why? Because when your organization defines the “who, what, and why,” then the “where and when” won’t impact the results.

Why It’s Important to Have Control of Your Certification Program

In order to fully maintain control over all aspects of your certification program, you must use a trusted, all-in-one platform that puts the power in your hands. This platform should include:

  • Real-time access to item banks
  • Candidate management
  • The ability to self-publish exam content
  • Single sign-on
  • Enhanced security features

With Kryterion’s Webassessor, for example, you can control all these aspects and more. This puts the power in your hands while simultaneously improving the testing experience for everyone. These benefits include:

Saving Money: You do not have to pay a vendor each time you want to make an update to an exam

More Time: You don’t need to schedule iterations with vendors and then wait for the updates to go live

Increased Validity and Credibility: You can perform a quick update to an item that is now incorrect or a word that is misspelled, making the exam instantly more credible

Expanded Productivity: You can allocate resources to other important areas rather than using them to manage exam updates with a vendor

Better Branding: You are in control of how your organization is perceived by creating and maintaining exams how you want them

What Can Happen Without a Platform with Self-publishing Features

One of the best ways to understand why it’s so important to maintain control over your program is to look at what can happen when you don’t have that power. There can be some serious issues that you will have to face. Let’s take a deeper look at some of these potential problems.

Inaccurate Test Publishing: When your platform has administrative controls built in, there is no need to submit either a request or a ticket to edit or publish a test. This, of course, minimizes the risk of errors or unauthorized changes in the test publishing process, leading to a more accurate exam.

Unsecure Item Banks: When administrative roles must be created and granted, more people are granted access to item banks. This can increase the likelihood of unauthorized modifications or exposure to test items, potentially compromising test integrity and opening the door for content leaks.

Loss of Competitive Edge: Without the ability to securely manage and update your test content and item banks, you can miss out on the opportunity to innovate and adapt your program to changing industry standards. This puts you at a competitive disadvantage that is hard to overcome.

Challenges with Audits and Reporting: With access controls, you have control over important functions, including tracking changes, running reports, managing accountability, and conducting audits. All of these are essential for maintaining the credibility and reliability of your certification program.

Loss of Operational Control: Without administrative controls, bottlenecks can be created. When this occurs, critical tasks, such as updating content, managing candidate data, or publishing tests, can be delayed due to having to rely on external parties.

Let’s Put the Power in Your Hands

Don’t you think it’s finally time to take control over your exams? Well, Kryterion can help. Let’s talk more about how our Webassessor platform can put the power back in your hands.

About Kryterion Inc.  

Kryterion Inc. is a global leader in innovative testing and credentialing solutions, helping organizations across various sectors develop and manage their assessments with our advanced test development platform and multi-modal delivery solutions. Established in 2001, Kryterion offers secure, integrated services and extensive support, empowering candidates to demonstrate skills and achieve success in world-class careers.

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